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Francesca DiRaimondo Cannizzaro Immigration Records

On November 5, 1914, 46-year-old Francesca DiRaimondo Cannizzaro departed Italy from Palermo aboard the S.S. Taormina. Traveling with her was her son, 10-year-old Giovanni Cannizzaro. Since she was travelling without her husband who was waiting for her in New York, Francesca conformed to the 19th Century custom of using her maiden name for herself on the ship's manifest, and her husband's for her son.

The Departure from Italy on November 5, 1914

Francesca and Giovanni Cannizzaro Immigration Records

The transcript says Francesca left behind her mother, Rosina DiBenedetto (DiRaimondo), who lived on Via Sutera in Militello.

Francesca and Giovanni Cannizzaro Immigration Records

She and Giovanni were going to her husband Sebastiano, who lived at 56 Henry Street in Manhattan.

We also learn that Francesca was very short. She was 4' 5" tall.

Two weeks later, they arrived in New York City, on November 19.

The Arrival in New York on November 19, 1914

In addition to the regular ship's manifest, I also found a "Record of Detained Aliens." Francesca is listed with "child" (Giovanni).
Sebastiano arrived at 3 PM the same day to get them.

Francesca and Giovanni Cannizzaro Immigration Records

Francesca and Giovanni Cannizzaro Immigration Records


S. S. Taormina
S. S. Taormina

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