
Cannizzaro Family Chart
Russo Family Chart

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Last update 11/6/2023

Here you can view the actual documents I have in my research collection. They include birth, marriage and death certificates or records, obituaries, military documents, applications for social security number (SS5), the Social Security Death Index (SSDI), and the Social Security Applications and Claims Index (SSACI).

Although not actually documents, the SSDI is the information on the index cards for deceased Social Security recipients. For a more detailed explanation, click here.

The SSACI picks up where the SSDI leaves off, with details such as birth date and parents names extracted from information filed with the Social Security Administration through the application or claims process.

In the case of the military records, many are registrations for the draft that men were required to obtain during World War One and World War Two.

The "imm&nat" column contains documents pertaining to Immigration and Naturalization.

That same column might also have "last will". This is a copy of the individual's Last Will & Testament.

A word of caution. Anna Lee Waldo, the author of the historical novel Sacajawea, offered the following caveat to anyone who is researching old documents in order to ascertain the truth.

History has a way of being lost or misrepresented. Personal testimony has a way of being slanted or falsified to please the questioner. People die, so statements cannot be checked. On the other hand, a statement in print tends to become fact when in truth it may not be fact at all, but only a myth written down.

CANNIZZARO FAMILY Michelangelo Cannizzaro (1822-1890) death
Lucia DiBenedetto Cannizzaro (1829- )
Guiseppa Cannizzaro (1851- ) birth
Maristella Cannizzaro (1853- ) birth
Salvatrice Cannizzaro (1854- ) birth
Giovanna Cannizzaro (1856- ) birth
Sebastiano Cannizzaro (1858-1939) birth marriage imm&nat
Francesca DiRaimondo Cannizzaro (1868- ) birth marriage imm&nat
Salvatore DiRaimondo (1841- ) marriage
Rosa DiBenedetto DiRaimondo (1845- ) birth marriage
Giuseppe Cannizzaro (1860-1923) death imm&nat
Maria Stella Parisi Cannizzaro (1867-1934) death
Mario Cannizzaro (1896-1953) marriage death obit military SSACI imm&nat
Antoinette Acquista Cannizzaro (1908-1932) marriage death
Concetta Cafiso Sergi Cannizzaro (1901-1979) marriage obit SSDI
Sebastiano Cannizzaro (1886-1979) marriage military imm&nat
Angelina Migliorisi Cannizzaro (1902-1991) marriage SSDI imm&nat
Joseph Cannizzaro (1917-2015) obit military
Paulina Amodio Cannizzaro (1916-2013) obit
Maria Stella Cannizzaro Barone (1919-1994) birth marriage SSACI
Joseph Barone (1914-1967) marriage
Vincent J. Cannizzaro (1920-1976) marriage death obit military SSDI
Angelina J. Ballero Cannizzaro (1924-2002) birth marriage obit SSACI
Michele Cannizzaro (1887- ) birth marriage military imm&nat
Giovanna Taglieri Cannizzaro (1891- ) marriage
Sebastiano "Bennie" Cannizzaro (1918-2004) birth marriage obit military SSACI
Ann Straniero Cannizzaro (1922-2005) birth marriage obit SSACI
Robert Cannizzaro (1954-2013) obit
Leonard Mancini (1947-2022) obit
Sebastiano Straniero (1886-1922) marriage death military last will imm&nat
Maria DePasquale Straniero (1886-1920) marriage death
Nicolo Straniero (1894-1953) marriage death obit military imm&nat
Rosalia Toscano Straniero (1898-1980) birth marriage obit imm&nat
Salvatore Cannizzaro (1891-1953) birth marriage death obit military SSDI imm&nat
Francesca Russo Cannizzaro (1895-1968) birth marriage death obit imm&nat
Frances Cannizzaro Frame (1914-2004) marriage obit military SSDI
Francis Frame (1913-2006) birth marriage obit military SSDI
Alexander Frame (1879-1937) marriage obit military
Adela Albeck Frame (1884-1944) marriage death obit
Erminia Cannizzaro (1915-1918)
Concetta "Kit" Cannizzaro Feldman Wyckoff (1916-1997) marriage obit SSDI
Matthew Feldman (1914-1959) marriage death obit military
Meyer Feldman (1881-1953) marriage death obit military
Augusta Schrager Feldman (1894-1925) marriage death obit
Rose Solinger Feldman (1893-1938) marriage death obit
Warren "Blick" Wyckoff (1922-1976) birth marriage obit military SSDI
Edward H. Wyckoff (1893-1967) marriage obit military
Frances D. Miller Wyckoff (1894-1967) marriage
Erminia "Minnie" Cannizzaro Johnston (1920-2003) marriage obit SSDI
Robert J. Johnston (1917-1996) marriage death obit military SSACI
John M. Johnston (1895-1931) marriage obit military
Georgia Mount Johnston (1899-1956) marriage obit
Barbara A. Johnston (1941-2023) marriage
Leo R. Foley (1938-1991) marriage obit SSACI
John P. Wadington (1919-1997) obit military SSDI
Ann Cannizzaro Lanzaro (1921-2009) birth marriage obit SSDI
Eugene Lanzaro (1913-2000) birth marriage death obit SS5
Lillian "Bunny" Cannizzaro Vanderwiel (1931-2004) marriage obit SSACI
Garret Vanderwiel (1927-1985) marriage death obit
Peter Vanderwiel (1952-2015) obit
RUSSO FAMILY Francesco Russo ( )
Marianna Giandinoto Russo ( )
Michele Russo (1838- ) birth marriage
Concetta Tornello Russo (1846- ) birth marriage
Giovanni Tornello ( )
Caterina Nicosia Tornello ( )
Francesco Russo (1863-1945) birth marriage death obit imm&nat
Concetta D'Amico Russo (1872-1951) birth marriage death obit imm&nat
Giovanni D'Amico (1841- ) birth marriage
Francesca Taccia D'Amico (1848- ) birth marriage
Francesco D'Amico ( )
Concetta Catalano D'Amico ( )
Ignazio Taccia (1810- ) marriage
Concetta Guglielmino Taccia (1812- ) marriage
Nicolo Taccia ( )
Maria Cancemi Taccia ( )
Concetta Russo Criscillo (1893-1959) birth marriage death obit imm&nat
Filippo Criscillo (1878-1962) marriage obit military imm&nat
Serafino Criscillo (1919-1994) military SSDI
Frank Criscillo (1922-1992) marriage obit military SSACI
Josephine Ducatelli Criscillo (1924-2007) marriage obit SSDI
John Russo (1905-2007) birth marriage military SSDI imm&nat
Mildred Moore Russo (1911-1994) marriage death SSACI
Michele Russo (1896- ) birth military imm&nat
Anna Russo ( )

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