
Cannizzaro Family Chart
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DNA Testing

Last update 12/22/2019

It's VELDA!!!

We are among the 4% of individuals living today who can trace their ancestry back 17,000 years ago to a single woman who lived with her clan in the northwestern section of Spain. To use the vernacular of those of you who are much younger than I am: This is so cool.

Velda lived in the "western refuge" in northwestern Spain, one of the few places in Europe not made uninhabitable by the severe weather of the last Ice-Age. From here, Velda's descendants were in the vanguard of the resettlement of Europe following the retreat of the glaciers about 12-13 thousand years ago. Eventually, some of our ancestors hiked out of Spain and made it to Finland, Norway and Sicily.

Velda Map

Who of us actually has this mtDNA link to Velda, and who of us does not? Obviously, I do. Jeanne, Vanessa, Victoria, Barbara, Patty, Jane, Nan, and Sam. You all do. So do Bobby and Danny Calicari, Billy, Brian and Brad Bell, Bob and Michael Foley, Sam and Christine Magarino, and so did Peter Vanderwiel.

Those who do not have it are Destiny, Nicholas and Taylor Rose Calicari, Brian Bell Jr., Alyssa Marie Bell, Bobby, Jimmy and Nick Foley, and Clinton and Zachary Vanderwiel. Remember, mtDNA can be passed from a mother to her sons and daughters but only the daughters can pass it on to their children. Of course, the individuals named in this paragraph have mtDNA, but not OUR mtDNA. They got theirs from their mothers who are not directly related to us. However, they could have Velda's mtDNA. We just won't know unless they get tested.

Looking to the future, who in our small clan can continue our mtDNA link to Velda? That would be Christine, Vanessa and Victoria who can pass it on to their children. But, their children will have to include daughters in order for it to extend to another generation. And so on, and so on.
