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John and Mildred's 50th Wedding Anniversary
June 1989

John and Mildred's 50th Wedding Anniversary June 1989

John and Mildred's 50th Wedding Anniversary June 1989

John and Mildred's 50th Wedding Anniversary June 1989

John and Mildred's 50th Wedding Anniversary June 1989
John and Mildred with their two children, Paul Russo and Kathy Russo Dorney

John and Mildred's 50th Wedding Anniversary June 1989
Uncle John told me several years after this event that Paul and his wife Dorothy (Lucas) had no children.
This photo, however, has the annotation "Paul's Family, identified as Jonna and Dee.

John and Mildred's 50th Wedding Anniversary June 1989
Kathy with her husband Roger Dorney and their children Ryan, Lee and Paul

John and Mildred's 50th Wedding Anniversary June 1989
The grandchildren: Ryan, Lee, Jonna, and Paul

John and Mildred's 50th Wedding Anniversary June 1989
